Date Archives April 2015

Trouble Ahead?

I may not get much attention around here, but I do notice things. One thing I have observed over the last day or two may mean more trouble ahead for Patch the Pirate. She seems to be breathing rather noisily again, although not the squeaky wheeze she had just before she went into the hospital.

I am not the only one who has noticed this. I heard Dad tell Mom about it this evening. Mom admitted that she has heard the same thing. She claims not to be VERY worried because Patch has no runny eyes or nose, but I know Mom better than that. She is concerned and, if I had to guess, Patch would rather do anything but have more trouble with her health.

Together Again

Bye Bye Vet!

After a whole week in that metal cage (or should I say torture chamber?) in the IV Room at the kitty hospital, I had begun to give up hope. Finally, two nights ago, Mom brought me home. My best buddy, C. P. Pirate, and I are together again.

I showed those people at the vet who was boss. I growled and hissed. I did not cooperate with them. I sulked in my cage. As a final statement about my displeasure, I peed on the leg of the tech who was putting me in my carrier so I could go home.

Hello Home!

I refused to talk to Mom all the way home. When we got here, I ran under the bed. Today Mom tried to remove the stupid white collar they put around my neck at the vet, but I would not allow her to do so. I want to remind her for a LONG time how mad I am for what she did to me.

I do think I am finally getting healthy again, in spite of the torture I endured. I am glad that my furpals and I are together again, and I have plenty of places to hide.

Disappearance #3

For the third time in less than one month, we have a disappearance from the Feline Funny Farm. The first vanishing cat was Revelly, who–sadly–never returned to us. The second was our orange brother, Pawscar Awesome. He suddenly reappeared after two days. The newest mysterious absence is my best buddy, Patch the Pirate.

Last night Mom came home from her teaching job at BBI (what is that?), and looked around at all of us. Patch and I were napping on the table under the warm lamp. Mom came over, petted Patch, and then grabbed her up and put her in the carrier.

Patch the Pirate is NOT happy in the carrier.

I was quite surprised that Patch offered little resistance; she usually fights tooth and nail to avoid the dreaded carrier. Mom and the carrier went away, and now Patch is missing.

I surely do hope that this disappearance is not permanent.

The Orange Invader

That orange invader is back! Doesn’t he know that Mom’s bedroom is for girls only? What’s worse is that he is sitting on Mom’s lap, just purring away and shedding all over Mom’s keyboard. I think he must be one of the aliens Roy Thinnes was pursuing on that old 1960’s TV show Mom used to watch.

Pawscar monopolizes Mom’s lap.

I am pretending not to notice him. Maybe I’ll just take a nap. Orange invader, go home!


Home at Last!

Home at last! Home at last! Thanks, Mom, I’m home at last!

Mom came to visit me this morning and found out that I could leave. She did not have a carrier with her, so Dr. C. loaned her one. Two techs took the long plastic tube out of my arm while I growled at them. One of them bandaged my arm for the ride home.

As soon as I got home, Mom took some pictures of me. Here is one:

A little bandage won’t slow ME down.

I take some pride in the fact that no one seemed to be able to figure out WHY I got dehydrated and constipated. Mom seems to think that’s NOT a good thing, because it might happen again. She plans to watch me carefully to make sure I eat and act like my usual self. Right now I am sitting on her lap while I dictate this post. That ought to convince her.

Thanks, Mom, I’m home at last!

Lost and Found

Why’s everybody always picking on me? Haven’t I been a good kitty, putting up with the eye drops and the chicken slop and minding my own business? Apparently not good enough: I was sleeping too much and eating too little.

Two days ago, Mom stuffed me into a plastic box and hauled me out of the house. She took me to the same place that the Birmingham police did when they found me, skinny and flea-ridden, nearly two and one-half years ago. Once there Dr. C. poked and prodded me and pried open my mouth. I was taken away, x-rayed, stabbed (more than once), and put in a cage with this long plastic tube attached to my front leg. Then I realized: Mom is lost!

Pawscar at Gasow

I waited a long time, wondering what had happened to Mom and why she left me here. Finally, I found her. There she was at the door of my cage, talking to me and petting me. Then I lost her again. She keeps coming back once in a while, but she does not stay “found” or take me home.

I promise to be a good kitty! Please rescue me!