Date Archives March 2015

Gone, But Never Forgotten

We kitties are very sad today because our sister Revelly, also known as “Webelly Whacky Tail,” crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning. A call from the vet woke Mom up this morning, so we suspected the news was not good. The vet told Mom that Revelly had heart problems that became obvious this morning. Mom fed us, got cleaned up, and went to spend a little time with Revelly before she said goodbye. Revelly may be gone, but she will never be forgotten. We will see you again someday, Revelly!

Missing Purrson

Something fishy is going on at the Feline Funny Farm. One of our oldest residents has been missing since Tuesday. Revelly (aka Whacky Tail) has made several trips in the cat carrier over the last week. She returned to the Farm last Thursday and Saturday, but since Mom  absconded with her Tuesday, we have not seen her.

There is a rumor circulating that she is in the hospital. I heard Mom saying stuff to Dad about PO-TASS-SEE-UM (is that anything like “no-see-ums”?) being too high. This afternoon Mom seemed to be having a long telephone conversation with someone about Revelly’s appetite, a newly detected heart arrhythmia, and the dreaded FLUIDS.

Please bring our furpal back soon, I need someone to harass, and Revelly growls and swats magnificently.

I am NOT happy to be here!


What an Insult!

I never believed such an insult was possible, especially from my very own mom. I checked to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me, but they weren’t. Mom misspelled my name on the 2015 Feline Funny Farm calendar.

Mom, you should know better!

Phooey on her! Of all the people in our family, SHE should know I am Gobblin’ Goopuss. Note the double s at the end of my name. She left one off and immortalized the error on that calendar. I am insulted and offended!