Date Archives November 7, 2015

Farewell, Friends! Hello, Patch!

This will be my last post. Farewell, friends!

Yesterday Mom could tell I was not feeling well. I have been losing weight again and have not been very cheery. Sweet, chubby little Jou Jou B has been looking after me very well, but she could not work a magical cure for what ailed me.

Early in the evening, Dad told Mom I got sick to my stomach. Mom, who was ready for her first evening at home all week, got dressed again and took me to the dreaded vet. I expressed my disapproval all the way there. It did not help.

The vet examined me. I got x-rayed, poked (for blood tests and shots to make my stomach feel better), and scrubbed in my ears (the anti-thyroid cream tends to build up). I even had to provide some urine. Then Mom took me home. I made her feel less bad when I ate a bit.

This morning I just could not manage to eat. Nothing smelled good, although Mom even tried some Spot’s Stew. She called and left a message for the vet to call back with my test results. I could tell Mom was really worried about me. She even took a shower and got dressed to go out: very strange behavior for her on a Saturday.

Mom could tell by looking at me that I did not feel good.

The vet called Mom back this afternoon. I knew it would not be good news. Sure enough, I was put back in the carrier and taken to the vet again. Mom kept telling me what a good boy I was. I know she loves me. I also know I felt awful and just could not fight the thyroid problems and kidney problems, and possible heart problems any more. I was too tired.

Mom said goodbye and let me cross the Rainbow Bridge. I want you all to know that my best buddy, Patch the Pirate, and my other fursibs who had crossed before me were on the other side of the bridge, waiting to play with me. They wanted to know all about the rest of you who are left behind. I trust someday I will see you all again, in a place where there is no sickness or pain…just joy and gladness. Farewell!