A Birthday Present
For Mom’s birthday in 2016, she adopted a two-year-old kitty who, with her sister, had found themselves without a home and on display at the vet’s office. I came with the name “Tortie,” to which Mom added “Toes.” Mom thought “Tortie Toes” sounded pretty cute, and she loves alliteration.
A Behavior Problem?
I can be loving toward Mom…for a little while. When I reach the limit of my tolerance (suddenly), I will nip. Don’t touch my lower back or my tail! I am pretty much a loner and a “tree dweller,” sleeping on top of tall cabinets or out-of-sight locations. I love heat; Mom got a little annoyed when I slept on her router and knocked the handset off the telephone. Now she has covered the router so I have to sleep elsewhere.
A sweet little girl.