Date Archives April 8, 2015

Home at Last!

Home at last! Home at last! Thanks, Mom, I’m home at last!

Mom came to visit me this morning and found out that I could leave. She did not have a carrier with her, so Dr. C. loaned her one. Two techs took the long plastic tube out of my arm while I growled at them. One of them bandaged my arm for the ride home.

As soon as I got home, Mom took some pictures of me. Here is one:

A little bandage won’t slow ME down.

I take some pride in the fact that no one seemed to be able to figure out WHY I got dehydrated and constipated. Mom seems to think that’s NOT a good thing, because it might happen again. She plans to watch me carefully to make sure I eat and act like my usual self. Right now I am sitting on her lap while I dictate this post. That ought to convince her.

Thanks, Mom, I’m home at last!